Can I still walk my dog during isolation due to Covid19?

Yes, you can use your daily exercise to walk your dog. You will need to keep two metres apart from other people and each person in your house can only go out once a day. For example, if you live alone you can take your dog out once but if two people live in your house each person can take your dog out once or you can both take your dog out once together. If you live alone and your dog needs to go to the toilet then you can take them outside but make sure these trips are only for the time needed for the dog to toilet and ensure you maintain your social distance.

If you or someone in your family is showing signs of coronavirus then you should use your garden as a place for your dog to toilet and play. A friend, relative or someone in your community may be able to help walk but they will need to know that you are ill and follow the measures set out by the Government. If you absolutely have to take your dog out because none of these options are possible then walk at a safe distance from other people and minimise the time you are outside.

If you or someone in your family is showing signs of coronavirus then you should use your garden as a place for your dog to toilet and play. A friend, relative or someone in your community may be able to help walk but they will need to know that you are ill and follow the appropriate guidance. If you absolutely have to take your dog out because none of these options are possible then walk at a safe distance from other people and minimise the time you are outside.

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