We couldn’t imagine a world where we push our bodies and watch our diets to get healthy, and leave the pets we love on a path to medical crisis – with minimal exercise and unrestricted access to food. That’s why we are entirely dedicated to getting you and your pet healthy together. And making it fun
So what is FitBark? It’s a small, colorful device that you attach to your dog’s collar. It monitors activity levels, quality of sleep, distance traveled, calories burned, and overall health and behavior 24/7.
We are now proud to introduce you to our latest addition to the family: the FitBark 2. The biggest upgrade with the FitBark 2 is a battery life up to 3.5 dog years (6 months), so you can worry less about recharging and more about bonding with your pup. It fits dogs of any size, and it loves the water as much as your dog does!
You can link it to your Fitbit, Apple Healthkit or Google Fit device (or just use your iOS or Android phone to track your steps) and chart progress side-by-side. Talk about motivation!
A drop in the FitBark Health Index helps you catch early signs of discomfort or disease.